We believe that you should always know what data we collect from you and how we use it, and that you should have meaningful control over it. We want you to make the best decisions about the information you share with us.

That is the objective of this Privacy Policy.

You should read this policy in full, but here are some important things we hope you keep:

BETTER BEEF is a company in the slaughtering, industrialization and commercialization of beef and by-products, therefore, the processing of personal data is limited to the data of its employees, partners, suppliers and individual customers, all with the aim of meet demands relating to the products of the company's main activity and other legal needs and obligations. Therefore, it is important to make it clear that personal data is not shared or used for purposes other than these.
If you have questions about this policy, how we collect or process your personal data, or anything else related to our privacy practices, we would like to hear from you. You can contact us at any time.


1 - Personal data This is all the information that allows your identification. For example, your name, CPF, email, telephone number, among others.
two - Sensitive Personal Data are personal data related to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to you.
3 – Processing of Personal Data means any operation, such as the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction, carried out with personal data.


This Privacy Policy applies to the Processing of Personal Data of the following people:
• Livestock suppliers (individuals) of BETTER BEEF;
This Privacy Policy describes how we collect and use your Personal Data, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. We reserve the right to update this Employee Privacy Policy at any time.
We may also notify you regularly, through other means, about the Processing of your Personal Data.


In order for us to build and maintain Our relationship of trust, it is important that you are aware of how we treat your Personal Data, and, mainly, how and where we collect your Data. See the list of collection points below:
Email, text messages and other electronic messages. Interactions we carry out with our suppliers as electronic communications sent by the company.
Offline registration forms. Printed or digital forms, and similar ways, through which we request your Personal Data, such as, for example, conventional mail, demonstrations in stores, competitions, promotions or events, among others.


As Data Controller, BETTER BEEF collects and processes different categories of Personal Data. The Personal Data collected may be:
• identification and identity-related data (e.g. first name, gender, nationality, date and place of birth, photographs) and contact information (e.g. postal address, email address and telephone number) ;
• information of a social nature (e.g., declaration of option for FUNRURAL);
• economic and financial information (e.g. tax regime, bank details);
• data from video surveillance systems and access control to facilities (e.g. security passes);
• any other Personal Data collected during the contractual relationship between the supplier and the company.


The processing of Personal Data is carried out with one or more specific and legitimate purposes in mind.
The legal Processing of Personal Data is necessary to achieve the following purposes:


Purposes of Data ProcessingData collectedLegal Basis for Processing
– PRE PURCHASE ORDER – document necessary to identify the possible purchase.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer); 
– CNPJ belonging to the supplier (rancher);
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
– PURCHASE ORDER – document that identifies the effective purchase.– Name of the cattle handler (broker);
– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer);
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
- EMBARGO NEGATIVE CERTIFICATE – necessary to verify that the supplier does not have any embargoes on its name or property.CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer);Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
-SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS – document necessary to verify the supplier’s socio-environmental suitabilityData relating to the property;Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– SUPPLIER REGISTRATION – necessary to manage suppliers and verify their credentials– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Registration of the supplier’s rural producer (rancher); 
– Address of the supplier (rancher); 
– Telephone number of the supplier (rancher); 
– Declaration by option through FUNRRUAL of the supplier (livestock farmer);
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
-RURAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION – for the rural property castro it is necessary to prepare a signature registration form, so that signatures can be compared. This form is required by quality sector regulations.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer); 
– Address of the supplier’s rural property (livestock farmer); 
– Signature of the supplier (rancher);
– Name of the legal representative of the supplier (rancher); 
– Signature of the legal representative of the supplier (rancher); 
– Name of person authorized to sign by the supplier (rancher); 
– Signature of a person authorized to sign by the supplier (rancher);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– POWER OF ATTORNEY OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LIVESTOCK RANGER – The power of attorney is necessary to verify the real power of attorney.– Complete supplier qualification;
– Complete qualification of the representative;
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– GUIDANCE LETTER – SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL – this letter is made by regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer); 
– Address of the supplier’s rural property (livestock farmer); 
– Telephone number of the supplier (rancher); 
– Email from the supplier (rancher);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
 PRODUCER DECLARATION – MODEL B – document necessary to comply with Ministry of Agriculture regulations.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer); 
– Address of the supplier’s rural property (livestock farmer);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– ANIMAL TRANSIT GUIDE – GTA – This document is necessary to comply with regulations from the Ministry of Agriculture and for the transport of animals on highways.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer); 
– Address of the supplier’s rural property (livestock farmer); 
– Coordinates of the supplier’s rural property (livestock farmer);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– TRANSPORTATION INVOICE – Necessary so that animals can be transported on highways. Regulations from the state finance department.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Name of the supplier’s property (livestock farmer); 
– Address of the supplier’s rural property (livestock farmer);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– BILLING – PAYMENT. Issuance of invoice for effective payment of the contract.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Current account from the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Supplier agency (livestock farmer);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
Necessary to identify the differentiated taxation regime and fit it into the correct rate.
– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Name of the legal representative of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier’s legal representative (livestock farmer);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
– DEPOSIT AUTHORIZATION FOR THIRD PARTIES – Document required to make a deposit into an account other than that of the supplier. Rare cases, only for special situations.– Name of the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the supplier (livestock farmer); 
– Profession of the supplier (rancher);
– Nationality of the supplier (livestock farmer);
– Name of the third party authorized to receive payment from the supplier (rancher); 
– CPF of the third party authorized to receive payment by the supplier (livestock farmer);
– Current account of the third party authorized to receive payments from the supplier (livestock farmer);
– Bank branch of the third party authorized to receive payments from the supplier (livestock farmer);
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
– DECLARATION OF INVENTORY – Public document, arising from a judicial process. Necessary to demonstrate that the inventor is actually authorized to respond for the supplier.– Complete qualification of the supplier (livestock farmer);
– Complete qualification of the inventor (livestock farmer);
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
– Respond to requests from the police or judicial or administrative authorities in the case of an inspection, audit or investigation, in accordance with applicable law.Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
– For BETTER BEEF Entities to be able to protect their rights or substantiate any allegation, defense or statement in a case or before judicial and/or administrative authorities, an arbitration court or a mediator, in the context of actions, disciplinary investigations or an audit or internal or external investigation.The Processing is necessary given BETTER BEEF’s legitimate interest in protecting your rights and interests.
– Ensure safety, in particular with regard to:
• access to facilities (e.g. security passes and video surveillance records);
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier is a party.
– Creation of documents (especially legal) that BETTER BEEF needs to develop its business, for example: 
• activity reports that may include Personal Data from certain categories of Suppliers.
The Processing is necessary to pursue BETTER BEEF’s legitimate interest in achieving its corporate objectives.
The use of data from individual suppliers may also have the following purposes:
• Preparation of contract;
• Carrying out satisfaction surveys or other surveys;
• Identification and registration for access to BETTER BEEF’s physical facilities. and, as applicable, its partners and customers;
• Performance assessment of services provided;
• Credit protection;
• Investigation of irregularities and illicit acts committed by Suppliers in the performance of services provided; It is
• Carrying out prevention activities against fraud and illicit activities, including measures to protect BETTER BEEF, Customers and/or third parties.
The Processing is necessary for the execution of the contract to which the supplier or customer is a party.
The Processing is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of BETTER BEEF and/or Employees.
Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.


During our relationship, BETTER BEEF will share your Personal Data with some entities.
Service providers: External legal entities or individuals that we use to help operate our business. In these cases, only selected employees will be authorized to access your Personal Data on behalf of BETTER BEEF, for the specific tasks that are requested of them, based on our instructions. Furthermore, the providers with which we share your Personal Data are obliged to keep it confidential and secure.
Third parties who use your Personal Data for legal reasons: We will share your Personal Data with third parties for legal reasons such as:


Verification of legal requirements for the effective and regular slaughter of cattle. 
PARTNER TRANSPORT COMPANIESSEVERALCarrying out the transportation of products related to the purchase and sale of products.



To protect the personal data collected and ensure the security of our systems, we use appropriate technologies and procedures according to the level of risk and the service provided, having a team responsible for managing them in accordance with legal provisions, regulatory requirements, changes technology, among other relevant factors that may influence data protection.

Due to the very nature of the Internet, there is a risk that malicious third parties will improperly access the information stored in our systems. If this occurs, we will be responsible within the limits set out in applicable current legislation.

The use of any device, software or other resource that may interfere with BETTER BEEF's activities and operations is prohibited, whether through the website or other systems or databases. If any intrusion, attempt, or activity is identified that violates or contradicts intellectual property rights laws and/or the provisions stipulated in this Policy and/or applicable laws in force, including the LGPD, the person responsible will be subject to applicable sanctions, whether them by law or provided for in this document. The person responsible must also compensate for any damages caused.



Personal data relating to people linked to potential suppliers that BETTER BEEF compiles through different contact and/or information collection forms will be kept as long as their deletion is not requested by the interested party. The data provided by our suppliers will be kept as long as the commercial relationship between the parties is maintained, respecting in all cases the minimum legal conservation conditions in accordance with the subject.

In any case, BETTER BEEF will keep your personal data for the period of time that is reasonably necessary, taking into account our needs to respond to questions that arise, resolve issues, make improvements, activate new services and comply with requirements required by applicable legislation. After this period, your personal data will be removed from all BETTER BEEF systems.



We guarantee you the exercise of the rights provided for in the LGPD, namely:


    • Right to confirmation: you can confirm whether BETTER BEEF processes any of your personal data.


    • Right of access: you will be able to check details of your data, as well as obtain copies of said information, upon request.


    • Right to correction: you have full access to the data you provided, and may change, correct or remove any personal data that is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date.


    • Right to anonymization, blocking or deletion: you may request the anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or processed data that does not comply with the purposes set out in this Policy, observing, for this purpose, other legal regulations. 


    • Right to information: you can request information about which types of companies we share your data with, as well as be informed of the consequences if you choose not to consent to the collection and processing of your personal data, when necessary. Via email: [email protected].


    • Right to revoke consent: when the legal basis for data processing is consent, you may revoke this consent previously given to us. It is important that you know that cancellation will not affect the use or sharing of data made prior to the request to revoke consent.


    • Right to object to future treatments for other legal bases. You may request the deletion of your data from BETTER BEEF and the interruption of any other service provided by BETTER BEEF. But it is important that you know that some data may be kept for legal purposes.


At any time, you can change your settings or exercise your rights under the LGPD via BETTER BEEF's corporate email for this purpose: [email protected].



BETTER BEEF has a professional dedicated to data protection and privacy.

If you have any specific questions that have not been clarified by our Privacy Policy, you may, as a last resort, contact the DPO via the following email: [email protected]


Our DPO – Igor Henrique Rodrigues Real Ruiz



Our website uses cookies and other similar technologies to store and manage your browsing preferences, enable content and collect website analysis and usage data. The use of these technologies is common on websites and platforms in general, consisting of a small text file, containing your device or browser, which allows you to be identified as a user and the device used, as well as to collect navigation information.

The cookies we use can perform different functions. Some are necessary and essential for navigating and using the resources of the BETTER BEEF platform. Others collect information about how you use the website and serve to improve performance and browsing experience. Finally, functional cookies remember your choices and preferences, personalizing your experience on the website.

You can disable cookies through your browser settings, installing plug-ins available on the market, or using other technologies that you deem necessary.



We are committed to cooperating with the competent authorities and third parties to ensure compliance with laws, including in matters of protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, fraud prevention, protection of personal data, among others. In this context, we will only reveal your personal data upon requests from competent judicial or government authorities, within the scope of investigations and processes conducted by them, as long as there is no legal prohibition establishing secrecy.



If we change the way we treat your Personal Data, we will update this Policy. 

We reserve the right to make changes to our practices and this Policy at any time. Please access it on our website – – frequently to check for any updates or changes.



When registering, you must read, understand and accept this Policy, according to the specific option provided on the form. However, this Policy is in the nature of an adhesion contract and undergoes periodic reviews, without the need for prior notification. Therefore, it is important that you consult the document to see if you continue to agree to its terms before continuing with the navigation.

BETTER BEEF's Privacy Policy complies with and should be interpreted based on the laws in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil. To resolve any doubts or issues relating to it, the parties elect the Court of the District of Rancharia/SP, to the exclusion of any other.


ELABORATION: Igor Henrique Rodrigues Real Ruiz – Lawyer, Data Protection Consultant and Professional DPO




        Other members of the data protection executive committee.